Dedicated to Preserving & Enhancing Quality of Life in Our Communities

Communities of Excellence

You Can Make a Difference

Communities of Excellence

South Vista Communities

Making a Difference

South Vista Communities (SVC) is a grassroots advocacy organization dedicated to maintaining and improving the quality of life for residents and businesses in South Vista.

We offer a forum for those who are interested in sharing their concerns and seeing what informed, organized residents can accomplish.

We publish an information-packed newsletter that keeps our members and the public up to date on what’s going on in South Vista.

Strength in numbers . . .

Have you ever become aware of a proposed project that might impact your home or work place? Or, worse yet, didn’t find out about a new project until it was already underway?

Have you ever wanted to take action to correct an existing neighborhood problem but didn’t know whom to see or contact?

You are not alone. There are other like-minded citizens in the area who care about those issues, too, citizens willing to take informed actions to alter the outcomes. That’s SVC, and together we’re making a difference!

View our blog for the latest news or download our monthly newsletters (PDF).



Come join us!

SVC offers memberships to individuals and businesses based on our shared goals. We have an established reputation for effectively dealing with quality of life issues, protecting property values and providing timely information on emerging and ongoing public issues.

When necessary, SVC plans and organizes community action to provide input on public policy decisions.

We invite you to join us today by making a tax-deductible donation.



Our history and track record . . .

South Vista Communities was formed in 2006 as a successor to the Sycamore Shadowridge Action Committee which took a lead role in bringing attention to a proposed cement batch plant in South Vista. Since then, SVC has broadened its focus to include all neighborhoods in South Vista. We address election and zoning issues, new facilities and proposed construction in the area, traffic and safety, and work to protect and improve the quality of life and the environment.

Speaking out for South Vista residents

SVC both initiates actions to improve the community and responds to proposals of others that will impact the quality of life in South Vista. Our representatives meet regularly with Vista’s elected and administrative leaders to make them aware of the concerns of South Vista residents and businesses.

Involvement in many issues

In the past SVC has held Vista City Council candidate forums, participated in updating the City’s general plan and monitored permit applications for construction in South Vista, submitting comments and testimony as appropriate to the Planning Commission and the City Council. We participate in periodic environmental clean ups of Buena Creek and are monitoring significant changes being proposed by the FAA for operations at Palomar Airport, as well as proposed apartment developments being considered by the City for South Vista.

Working with developers to get the best results

We have provided input on construction of major facilities such as the Marriott Suites Hotel, the RV/Boat Storage Facility, and the Target Center on Poinsettia, among others. SVC rallied Vista residents to successfully oppose two double-faced electronic billboards proposed by the City for SR-78.

Looking to the future . . .

Many changes are taking place in Vista.

The City will continue to change with business and residential developments in the future, zoning changes, regulatory amendments and redevelopment projects. And probably a few surprises.

There will be many opportunities for SVC to help shape these changes, guided by our primary goal of maintaining and protecting the quality of life in South Vista.

South Vista Communities is ideally positioned to carry out its mission. We’d like you to join us as an individual or business member in making our community even better!